What is CDKit?
The idea behind CDKit, was to provide a faster way to deploy mobile apps from a Git commit
to the
app stores.
Deploying a new release can takes more time than the development itself and reduced the
number of
small updates.
CDKit try to fix that by using different tools and deploy automatically a mobile app in
than an hour!
Build your iOS and Android apps faster with multiple agents (GO.CD agents for now) after every Git commit and get a build that you can use under the other stages and pipelines
TESTS & Code Quality
Run your unit tests and code quality (SonarQube) to check if the code is following your code style and if there is no regression or security issues (sonar-secret)
UI Automation
Test your app with iOS simulators and Genymotion emulators to ensure that your build is working. Takes screenshots of specific screens that can be used for the app stores
App stores Screenshots
Create automatically your app stores screenshots with themes that include text and device mockups including iPhones, iPad and Android devices
iTunes & Google Play
Deploy your app and app stores assets (screenshots, texts, etc.) to TestFlight and Google Play Alpha/Beta before released it by just triggering the last pipeline (Fastlane)
Open Source
I have open-sourced this project after building and working with it for the last 5 years on my personal mobile apps, Alexa skills and APIs. The project is available on Github.
Demo of the CDKit Design Automation
This quick demo show how the CDKit Design Automation generates automatically the app stores screenshots for Google Play and iTunes.